heatcon! heating control system FAQ

Can I connect more than one energy generator to the heatcon! EC and control it?
Yes, the heatcon! EC offers the possibility of a mini cascade and can control two energy generators. It is possible for the energy generators to lock each other out.
Example: The oil or gas heating runs in winter, the heat pump in summer
Can I connect several heatcon! units to a cascade?
The heatcon! system allows a total of 3 heatcon! EC can be connected to each other to a cascade. In addition, up to two extension modules can be connected to each heatcon! EC.
Can I combine heatcon! with the heatapp! single-room control?
Yes, the heatcon! system can be fully combined with the heatapp! Single-room control. The functions of the heatapp! base are already included in the heatcon! EC. You only need a heatapp! gateway and the radio components for the single-room control.